Arm Aesthetics
Arm Aesthetics
Arm Aesthetics

Arm Aesthetics

Surgical Methods 

 Liposuction (laser fat removal) is the preferred method when there is only  excess  fat and skin quality is good with no sagging. However, liposuction alone is not enough if there is also sagging skin. In these cases, it is advisable to raise your shoulders. The shoulder lift can be performed under  local or general anesthesia. An elliptical incision is made on the inside and back of the arms, causing relaxation and removing excess skin and fat. If necessary, liposuction can also be performed on other areas of the arms in the same session.

Type of anesthesia and duration of the operation 

 The operation is performed in the operating room under general anesthesia. The incision site is sutured internally in two layers and a liner is applied at the end of the operation. The corset recommended by the doctor should be worn for 2-3 weeks. 

 Recovery Period

 The patient can go home about 2 to 3 hours after the operation. The next day, to inspect the surgical site, the lining is removed  and a special corset is put on, which the patient must wear for 2-3 weeks. The patient is recommended to keep his hands up and after this time he can start sports and  exercises that do not require movement of the arms.

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