Beard, Mustache, Eyebrow Transplants
Beard, Mustache, Eyebrow Transplants
Beard, Mustache, Eyebrow Transplants

Beard, Mustache, Eyebrow Transplants

Beard Transplantation

Beard has an important influence on the formation of male identity, expressing each person's lifestyle and male psychology. Beard transplantation is a solution for ingrown, scarred, burned or sparse beard when hair follicles are taken from areas with sufficient hair and  transplanted to the required area. While dealing with thinning beards due to many causes, great changes can be achieved in cases where the beard grows little or no. Hair is removed one by one using the   FUE method, thus avoiding scarring. A natural look is achieved by transplanting  hair follicles at the required angle  for natural  beard growth.

According to statistics published by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) in 2008, the number of beard and mustache transplants has increased by 110% in Turkey and the surrounding area thanks to many satisfied patients with Hair Transplant.

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