Percutaneous Hair Transplant
Percutaneous Hair Transplant

Percutaneous Hair Transplant

Instead of placing hair follicles into slits, this technique places them into channels created by tiny needles. A realistic appearance can be achieved by using the right angle and density per cm2.

With the precurtain technique, there is no scarring in either the graft or transplant sites, and 40 to 50 follicles can be transplanted per cm2. The hairline in particular grows at an acute angle, so it is crucial to transplant the hair follicles at the proper angles in order to achieve success. The percutan method of hair transplantation results in natural-angle hair growth. Success is increased by using the right angles and densities.

Knowing the transplant density needed to produce outcomes that are aesthetically acceptable is crucial. All of the root grafts are used in an effective hair transplant. Scientific research has demonstrated that even with 50% of a specific area's hair gone, the same attractive appearance is still possible. Because of this, different outcomes can be achieved. For example, a person with normal-thick hair strands needs 40–45 follicles per cm2, but a person with thinner hair needs 45–50 follicles per cm2. 35 to 40 follicles are required per cm2 for people with thicker hair.

If a hairline transplant is required, a density of 65–70 follicles per cm2 will guarantee a natural outcome. You won't get a thick, rich, and natural result if not enough follicles are implanted.

The placement of the transplanted follicles at the proper angles is a characteristic that is equally significant to density. It is important to remember that each hair has a unique natural angle when doing the operation. A bad appearance can result from hair transplants done at the wrong angles.

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