Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetics)
Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetics)
Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetics)
Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetics)
Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetics)
Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetics)

Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetics)

Rhinoplasty, also known as rhinoplasty in medical terms, is a surgical correction of nasal deformities, asymmetrical appearance, and breathing problems caused by genetic and traumatic causes. According to Edwin Smith's papyrus, the birth of rhinoplasty dates back to ancient Egypt. According to ancient Indian sources, nose surgery was first performed in 600 BC, when the doctor Sushruta removed skin from the cheeks.

In the 15th century, rhinoplasty was performed by removing incisions from the outside. In the 18th century, German surgeon Carl Von Graefe first used the word "rhinoplasty" and based it on Indian techniques. In 1891, otolaryngologist Orlando Rou discovered a method to treat the curvature of the tip of the nose, changing the aesthetic view of rhinoplasty and providing the basis for the techniques used in research. In 1937, new studies were carried out by developing his own nasal surgery technique in the modern sense.

At first, surgery was performed only to correct cracks, but with the development of technology and changes in the perception of beauty, it began to be considered cosmetic. With the increase of research, more aesthetic and natural operations have been implemented in operations.

In Türkiye, surgeries began to be performed in the 1970s with the desire to achieve health and beauty. Plastic surgery around the world has changed and evolved, and today the building blocks for performing natural and permanent operations have been created.

What varieties of nose aesthetics are there?

Depending on the issue with the nose, many types of operations are used to make it symmetrical, harmonic, and proportionate to the face. These;

  • Deformity-related rhinoplasty (primary rhinoplasty)
  • Revisionary aesthetics that are difficult (complicated rhinoplasty)
  • Aesthetics of the nose tip (Tipplasty)
  • respiratory issues that require aesthetic treatment (Septorinoplasty)
  • surgery on the conchas
  • Surgery for breathing issues (Septoplasty)
  • Non-surgical nose surgery

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